Two girls kayak padling in the Tromso region

Updating and publishing products via your own Citybreak-license

Do you have an Easy Access or iTicket account either via your own Citybreak license or through the license of another destination company? Here you will find information about how we handle updates and product publication to our channels, as well as important deadlines you need to be aware of.

Mark these dates in your calendar:

  • 15th April: Winter Release. We allocate resources and work on updates for the next winter season during the last two weeks of April. Therefore, please send us product updates by 15th April.
  • 15th September: Summer Release. We allocate resources and work on updates for the next summer season during the last two weeks of September. Therefore, please send us product updates for summer by 15th September.
  • 10th June: Do you have updates or new products you forgot to send in and want published before the holidays? Send them to us by 10th June so that we can publish them before the holiday period.
  • All product updates should be sent to [email protected].
  • Please note that our deadlines might change. If so, we will notify you by newsletter or e-mail.

What you need to do to make your products available to us:

  • Update current price lists. If you have iTicket, remember to sync our channel as well.
  • Add new prices and periods within the price lists and calendars (availability groups) that already exist and are already connected to us. Creating new price lists and/or calendars (called “availability groups” in Easy Access) generates much more work since we then have to create new channel agreements and reconnect them to us.
  • We have also noticed that if a new price list has been made for iTicket products in particular, the product enters our system as an entirely new product, and we have to redo the entire publication process. This is time-consuming for us and more costly for you since we charge for the time we spend.
  • Edits to text do not transfer to Visit Tromsø (nor from iTicket). Therefore, it is very important that you send in information about changes. VTR does not take financial responsibility if there are errors in the descriptions.
  • Regarding search engine optimisation (SEO), we strongly recommend that you write a unique text for our channels so that our websites/product presentations do not compete with each other.
  • See our guidelines for text and images here.
  • Remember to inform us of changes such as price, departure time, meeting place, what is included in the tour, etc.
  • Let us know if there are any products you had this season that you will not be continuing next season so that we can unpublish inactive products.

After we have updated, you need to:

  • Thoroughly check that all text, information, and images on all products are correct.
  • Ensure that all products you want visible and/or bookable are indeed so.
  • Notify us if anything needs editing and/or if there are product presentations you are missing.

Submitting new products:

Important information

  • Visit Tromsø-Region does not take financial responsibility if there is any mistake. Therefore, you must check that the updates we have made are correct.
  • We charge per started half-hour for the time we spend on updates. You can find price information in your agreement or contact us.
  • Products sent after the deadlines will be placed at the back of the queue and updated when we have time.
  • Please note that we usually experience very high demand in the autumn, so the waiting time in the autumn can be extra long.
  • Many guests book early, so it is a great advantage to be available for those who want to book well in advance of the holidays.
  • If you have new products, we appreciate it if you fill in the product form so that we have all the information we need to give the products the correct visibility.
  • All updates and product-related matters should be sent to [email protected].
  • Feel free to contact us at [email protected] if you have any questions.