view of Tromso center

Become our partner!

As a partner with Visit Tromsø-Region, you become part of the organised tourism sector in one of Norway's most attractive destinations. Increase your visibility through targeted marketing efforts, participate in valuable networks, and enhance your skills with courses and advisory services. Additionally, you gain a voice in the development of Tromsø as a sustainable destination.

What does Visit Tromsø-Region do?

We are the tourism industry's collective spokesperson and leading marketer for the Tromsø region. Through a unified and coordinated effort, we work to strengthen tourism in the region, ensuring that development aligns with nature, the local community, business stakeholders, and the future.

Why become a partner?

Increase your visibility

  • Be part of the joint marketing of the Tromsø region as an attractive and sustainable destination.
  • Visibility on, with the opportunity to sell products and activities through this highly visited website. Your products will also be visible on the national tourism portal
  • Opportunity to sell your products and activities through our tourist information centre.
  • Exposure through press tours, fam trips for tour operators, and representation at fairs and workshops worldwide where Visit Tromsø-Region meets tourism stakeholders interested in the Tromsø region.
  • Opportunity to participate in impactful social media campaigns with a large amount of followers.

Join an exclusive network

  • Access to networking meetings and industry gatherings throughout the year, where you meet tourism stakeholders, authorities, and other relevant key players.
  • Opportunity to discuss tourism challenges and find new partners for future projects.

Gain konwledge and advisory Services

  • Invitations to courses and training in marketing, product development, environmental certification, and sustainable operational models.
  • Receive advice and support for marketing efforts and communication.

Have a voice in the development of tourism in the Tromsø Region

  • Participate in the destination company's expert panel that reports to the municipality's destination committee (Reisemålsledesen). Here, you have the opportunity to influence to ensure your interests are considered.
  • If your business is eco-labelled, for example, through the Eco-Lighthouse, you can use the sustainable destination label in your channels and visibility efforts.
  • Gain a quality stamp by being part of a responsible tourism industry with a focus on the environment and society.

Join an exclusive MICE initiative as an additional Product

  • By paying a marketing contribution in addition to the basic package, you can participate in a targeted market collaboration aimed at the meetings and conferences segment. This important growing segment helps ensure year-round activity.
  • Be represented at fairs and workshops both domestically and internationally, as well as on fam trips.
  • Opportunity to respond to specific bids/requests.