Family meeting reindeer in Tromsø

Winter holidays with the family

If you get the chance to bring your family to Tromsø for your winter holidays, you can easily combine city life with exciting nature experiences. 

Spend a couple of nights at a city hotel and visit our adventure centers and museums. At Polaria you can become a seal expert, train huskies at Villmarkssenteret or try science experiments at the Science Centre. Splash around and play in the water at Tromsøbadet. At the Arctic University Museum of Norway, the Polar Museum and at Nordnorsk Kunstmuseum you can learn more about our history and culture!

Dress warm and go on adventures in Tromsømarka, on Kvaløya or in Tromsø Alpinpark. Ski, sled, snowboard and have fun. Remember to bring hot chocolate and maybe fresh cinnamon buns from one of our city cafés! If you love outdoor activities we recommend going dogsledding, reindeersledding, fishing and more. A perfect way to spend time with your family and create new memories together. 

If you rent a car it is easy to travel around in the Tromsø region for more exciting accommodation opportunities and activities. Maybe your little one will learn to ski in Målselv Fjellandsby, or you try fishing for the first time at Lauklines Kystferie. See all of our accommodation options here, and book you next adventure here. 

Welcome to winter holidays in Tromsø!



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