Bus driving over bridge with orange sky backdrop

Prepare for longer travel times in traffic

The tunnels Sentrumstangenten and Langnestunnelen will be closed at 05:00am on Saturday 1 March for necessary upgrading work. The work will last approximately one year.

The Breivika tunnel will open to traffic from the same time.  

When the tunnels close, around 10,000 vehicles will be redistributed to other streets and roads on Tromsøya. This will also have a significant impact on traffic in the city centre. 

Whether we're walking, cycling, taking the bus or driving ourselves, we'll now have to allow more time for the journey and perhaps find other ways to get to and from our daily chores and activities. 

You can find updated information about traffic at Vegvesen.no/trafikk

To ensure safe and passable traffic conditions, we must all contribute: 

  • Take the bus, walk or cycle whenever possible. 
  • Check if you can carpool with colleagues, gym buddies and neighbours. 
  • If you have to use your own car, check if you can stagger your working hours to minimise traffic during rush hour. 
  • Respect road signs and make room for snow ploughs.   
  • Pay attention to other road users, whether you are walking, cycling or driving. 

Tromsø municipality and Troms county council are prepared to take extra measures to ensure that streets and roads are passable. Tromsø Municipality's Urban Operations section will ensure this by intensifying ploughing, snow removal, gritting and salting. The busiest roads will be prioritised.     

Fire and rescue services, the ambulance service, the police, the municipality's home care service, buses and taxis, goods deliveries and services. 

Find more information in these links: 

Vegvesen trafikk  
Tromsø kommune 
Troms fylkeskommune  

Information and text by Tromsø Kommune (Tromsø municipality)