reindeer in nature with Tromsdalstinden in the background

Take care of the reindeer in the Tromsø region

When you are travelling in Tromsø, it’s often possible to encounter reindeer wandering along the road or taking a break on grassy fields and beaches. Many people think that the reindeer in Tromsø are wild animals, but this is not the case. The reindeer are domesticated animals and belong to the indigenous Sami people, who have practiced reindeer herding for centuries. The animals graze freely and are an integrated part of the local culture and ecology.

Guests and residents in the Tromsø region both have a responsibility to respect the reindeer.

Here are some good tips about how you can help take care of them:

Avoid feeding them 

Feeding the reindeer can disrupt their natural diet and cause health problems. It can also make them dependent on human interaction, which may be harmful.

Don’t disturb the animals

It’s important to maintain a respectful distance, even though you may be tempted to approach the reindeer to take photos. Disrupting the reindeer may cause them stress and contribute to behavioural changes. It’s also important to respect the local people’s property: Remember that the reindeer belong to Sami reindeer herding communities. Consequently, disturbing the animals can also disrupt the traditional way of life and economic activity of the Sami people.

Watch out for reindeer in the traffic 

Reindeer can behave unpredictably and suddenly cross the road. It’s important to drive carefully and always be on the lookout for reindeer, especially when you spot a warning sign for reindeer in the area.

Remember that reindeer can be aggressive 

Although reindeer are tame and usually peaceful, it’s important to remember that they are large and powerful animals. Be aware that attempting to touch them can be dangerous for you and the animal. If you get too close, they will feel threatened. Reindeer have powerful antlers and, in the worst-case scenario, may butt or bite you if you get too close.

Thank you for helping us take care of these wonderful animals. This will enable people and animals to continue living side by side, as they have for centuries.

If you have any questions about how to behave around the reindeer, please contact our tourist information centre or any of the providers offering Sami experiences in the Tromsø region.