Colourful winter in Tromsø, Northern Norway

Your opinion matters: A new Resident Survey on tourism

How does tourism in the Tromsø region affect your daily life? Now is your chance to share your thoughts!

In collaboration with Northern Norway Tourism Board and Visit Tromsø-Region, Tromsø Municipality invites residents to participate in a new survey about tourism development.

Since 2019, Tromsø has been certified as a sustainable destination under the certification scheme provided by Innovation Norway. This framework helps us develop tourism in a more sustainable way, with dialogue with local residents playing a key role.

Visit Tromsø-Region acts as a bridge between the local community, the tourism industry, and authorities, and we want to hear from you. How do you experience tourism? Which positives and negatives do you see? What are your hopes for the future that we should know about?

The results of this survey will provide valuable insights to support destination development, visitor management, and a better balance between tourism, the local community, and nature.

Take the survey now – your opinion matters!

Click here to get to the survey.

Or scan the QR-code:

QR-kode innbyggerundersøkelse i Tromsø 2024

Read our press release (in Norwegian) about the resident survey here.