Bed with a view


Yggdrasil Farmhotel Retreat & Spa offers high-quality accommodation and activities with a particularly authentic Norwegian setting.

About us

Yggdrasiltunet bases their concepts on Norwegian traditions, which is reflected in everything they offer. 

Accommodation and activities are aimed at couples or small groups of adults.


Phone: +47 911 56 883
E-mail: [email protected]

Find your adventure here

Food at the farm

Visit Norwegian farm and have dinner - Homemade Norwegian food and viking sheep

Yggdrasiltunet - Is a privately owned farm hotel which is idyllically situated on the island of Kvaløya, 45 minutes from...

Inside the cabin

Visit Northern Lights cabin - Guided tour to the Mountain cabin

Welcome to a real Northern Norwegian tour experience. The tour is in the evening, at the time when we usually see the no...

Animals at the farm

Farm visit with traditional Norwegian lunch

Visit a traditional Northern Norwegian farm and have homemade food from good Norwegian ingredients served.

Inside the sauna

Ice bathing and Sauna with traditional Norwegian lunch

Icebath in the Norwegian sea, use our wood-fired sauna and get served a traditional Norwegian lunsh at the farm

Yggdrasil Farmhotel Retreat, Spa & Yoga

Yggdrasil Farmhotel Retreat, Spa & Yoga

Yggdrasil farmhotel - Is a privately owned farm hotel which is idyllically situated on the island of Kvaløya, 45 minute...