Urban experiences meet raw Arctic nature

Marieke Anna
Marieke Anna is a Symbiotic Visioneer & co-creature with the Northern Lights.
About us
Welcome to my world in which all is connected. All is related and every thing communicates with one other; deeply interacts with each other and in beautiful symbiosis. Whether it’s the land, the sea, the animals, the nature spirits, the Universe or the Northern Lights. A way of living that seems magical but yet is very real and realistic. A way that was mastered by your ancestors as they were completely emerged in the circle of Life, of Nature.
This is a way we have now mostly forgotten in our modern society. However, it is still so palpable here in the Lands under the Northern Lights, a profound liveliness that nourishes a deep and ancient part of yourself. If you can feel it. If it is calling you. If you want to reconnect with that part of yourself and reclaim your original place in nature...
...It would be my honor to meet you here in the Arctic North, welcome home.
Marieke Anna
Phone: +47 900 10 317
E-mail: [email protected]
Web: https://www.mariekeanna.com/