Minibuss parkert om sommeren

K.Ringberg Transport

The Northern Lights are brought to you by K.Ringberg Crane and Transport, a long-standing company specializing in crane and transport services since 2004.

About us

Today, we have expanded our expertise to include transportation and sightseeing services for tourists from all corners of the world.
We specialize in customized tours, including private tours, Northern Lights safaris, sightseeing tours, and tours for families with children.


K.Ringberg Transport
Phone: +47 413 60 999
E-mail: [email protected]

Find your adventure here

Picture of the northern lights

Northern Lights Chase

This tour is operated by

A Sami person feeding feindeer

Sami-camp visit with a reindeer experience

Join us on a journey to Lavangsdalen, which takes about 30 minutes by bus.

A guest shows off the fish he has caught

Tromso Arctic Fishing Adventure

Join us for an unforgettable fishing trip aboard the Barracuda in the beautiful Tromsø fjords, departing at 10:00 AM!

View of Sommarøy and Hillesøy

Tromso Midnight Sun Minibus

Are you ready to enjoy the endless sunshine?