Urban experiences meet raw Arctic nature
City To Summit
Hi – and welcome to Tromsø, the perfect place to explore the city and beautiful nature
And welcome to City To Summit, a local family owned niche store, the store is placed in the heart of Tromsø city. Our nearest neighbour is the Cathedral, as well as many authentic “must see” cafes.
About us
City To Summit is a real treasure for all outdoor enthusiasts, and people visiting exotic Tromsø. We represent an outdoor store, which specialises in high-end mountaineering gear as well as everyday equipment, all suitable for our changing weather and arctic conditions. We strive to always offer high quality gear suited for you and your excursions, and value all environmental friendly brands and options. Our qualified employees will more than willingly help you gear-up, ready to explore Tromsø and the islands around.
We also provide rental gear such as clothes, snowshoes, randonné skies, boots and safety props. Hope to see you in our shop while staying in Tromsø.
The Norwegian mountain code
1. Plan your trip and inform others about the route you have selected
2. Adapt the planned routes according to ability and conditions
3. Pay attention to the weather and avalanche warnings
4. Be prepared for bad weather and frost, even on short trips
5. Bring the necessary equipment so you can help yourself and others
6. Choose safe routes. Recognize avalanche terrain and unsafe ice.
7. Use a map and a compass. Always know where you are
8. Don’t be ashamed to turn around
9. Conserve your energy and seek shelter if necessary
Phone: +47 940 17 555Email: [email protected]
Web: http://www.citytosummit.no/
Kirkegata 6, 9008 Tromsø